SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Sales Integration with SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Procurement or SAP ERP *********** July 2018 1. Complete package with mapping extension iFlows released as package version 2.0.0 *********** October 2018 2. Return Purchase Order (RPO) mapping fields implemented for sales order and confirmation. Both iFlows released as version 2.0.1 3.Package version number changed to be consistent with the SAP S/4HANA Cloud release version (1811) *********** November 2018 4. Bug fix for iFlow Order creation.Target field mapping corrected for OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/ReturnInformation. Released as version 2.0.2 *********** December 2018 5. Mapping correction in the iFlow order creation for the target field OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/Party, to better support address field. Iflow release version 2.0.3 *********** January 2019 6. Package name change to: Integration of Sales with External Buyers. Package released as version 1902 *********** April 2019 7.Externalize Receiver Adapter parameter "Location ID" for all iFlows. All iFlows released with new higher version *********** January 2020 8.Update WSDL CO_EDI_ORDER_REQUEST_OUT for order output processing in iFlow Create change or cancel purchase order 9. Target Field OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/Product/SupplierProductID mapped with /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP19/IDTNR in iFlow Create change or cancel purchase order 10.Target mapping for reference purchase order implemented for Return order in iFlow Create change or cancel purchase order: OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/ReferenceDocument mapped with /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP02 11.Updated in iFlow Create change or cancel purchase released as version 2.0.5 12.Change package name to SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Sales Integration with SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Procurement or SAP ERP 13. Package release as version 2002 *********** April 2020 14. Source field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/IHREZ mapped to /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/CorrespondenceExternalReference in iFlow Create change or cancel purchase order 15. iFlow Create change or cancel purchase order released as version 2.0.6 *********** July 2020 16.Update WSDL files in iFlows for Order Request (inbound) and Purchase Confirmation (Outbound) 17.Delete the mapping of source field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDPA1/STRAS to target fields /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/StreetName and /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/HouseNumber in Order Request iFlow 18.Delete the mapping of source fields /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/StreetName and /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/HouseNumber to target field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDPA1/STRAS in Purchase Order iFlow 19.Source field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDPA1/STRAS mapped to target field /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/StreetAddressName in Order Request Iflow 20.Source field /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/Party/Address/StreetAddressName mapped to target field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDPA1/STRAS Purchase confirmation iFlow 21.Mappings for fields /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/SupplierPartyID and /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/BuyerPartyID adjusted as follow in Order Request iFlow: •For /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/PARVW <> ‘LF’ :/ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/LIFNR -> /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/BuyerPartyID and /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/PARTN -> /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/SupplierPartyID •For /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/PARVW = ‘LF’ :/ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/LIFNR -> /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/SupplierPartyID and /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/PARTN -> /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/Party/BuyerPartyID 22. Delete old WSDLs files in Purchase Confirmation iFlow 23.Corrected mapping of target field /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP02[1] in Invoice iFlow: Create target field INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP02[1] only when /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/Item/DeliveryNote <> NULL 24. Update UDFs get_Header and get_Proprety for all iFlows 25.IFlow for Advance Ship Notification released as version 2.0.2 26.IFlow for Order Request released as version 2.0.7 27.IFlow for Purchase confirmation released as version 2.0.3 28.IFlow for Invoice released as version 2.0.2 29.Package released as version 2008 *********** October 2020 30.WSDL updated because of field /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/SerialNumber in Order Request iFlow 31.Target field /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/SerialNumber/SerialNumber mapped to /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP02/BELNR when QUAL=’SER’ in Order Request iFlow 32.WSDL updated because of field /ns0:OrderConfRequest/OrderConfirmation/Item/SerialNumber/SerialNumber in Order Confirmation iFlow 33.Target field /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP02[5] mapped to /ns0:OrderRequest/Order/OrderItem/SerialNumber/SerialNumber in Order Confirmation iFlow 34.WSDL files INVOIC01 and InvoiceRequest_Out updated in Invoice Request iFlow 35.WSDL file INVOIC02 deleted in Invoice Request iFlow 36.Target field /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP04/TXDAT mapped to /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/Item/ItemTax/TaxDeterminationDate in Invoice Request iFlow 37.Change all content modifiers to use the new version in all iFlows 38.Correct externalized parameters in all iFlows 39.IFlow for Advance Ship Notification released as version 2.0.3 40.IFlow for Order Request released as version 2.0.8 41.IFlow for Purchase confirmation released as version 2.0.4 42.IFlow for Invoice released as version 2.0.3 43.Package released as version 2011 ***************** November 2020 44.Update product taxonomy information in all iFlows 45.Enable SAP|SAP Flag Marking for Pricing Model in all iFlows 46.IFlow for Advance Ship Notification released as version 2.0.4 47.IFlow for Order Request released as version 2.0.9 48.IFlow for Purchase confirmation released as version 2.0.5 49.IFlow for Invoice released as version 2.0.4 *********************** March 2021 50.Change the description of the configuration file attached to the package because of SAP BTP Rebranding. File release as 1.0.1 51.WSDL EDI_OrderRequest_In updated in iFlow Order Request 52.Change source field mapping /ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDKA1/IHREZ 53.iFlow released as version 2.0.10 *********************** May 2022 53.WSDL EDI_INVOICE_REQUEST_OUT updated in iFlow Receive Supplier Invoice 54.Implement following mappings: /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/DocumentReferenceID TO /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/DocumentReferenceID /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/SalesOrganization TO /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDK14/ORGID /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/DistributionChannel TO /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDK14[1]/ORGID /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/OrganizationDivision TO //INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDK14[2]/ORGID /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/CompanyCode TO /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDK14[3]/ORGID 54.IFlow Receive Supplier Invoice released as version 2.0.6 55.Package released as version 2208 *********************** December 2023 56.WSDL EDI_INVOICE_REQUEST_OUT updated in iFlow Receive Supplier Invoice 57.Add the following values to this fix fields values mapping: ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/Party/@PartyType TO /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDKA1/PARVW : SoldTo -> SP ShipTo -> WE Payer -> RG 58.Map the field /ns2:InvoiceRequest/Invoice/Item/BillingDocumentItemText to /INVOIC01/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP19[2]/KTEXT 59.IFlow Receive Supplier Invoice released as version 2.0.7 60.Package released as version 2402 ********************************* January 2024 61.Fix a bug in the User defined function DateTime2NewTimeZone such that it can also convert time with timezone given as UTC+offset. function is used in iFlow Advance Shipping Notification 62. Release iFlow Advance Shipping Notification as version 2.0.6 63. Release package as version 2403