3.0.0 (18th December 2023) Changes to incorporate section specific reconciliation. 1.Reconciliation of Clearing Broker Statement - For LongshortMatching and OptionExercise sections, a flag has been introduced to decide whether reconciliation is needed or not. 2.Reconciliation of Trading Broker Statement - For OptionExercise section, a flag has been introduced to decide whether reconciliation is needed or not. 2.1.0 (3rd August 2023) Enhanced integration artifacts related to Clearing and Trading Broker Transactions to retrieve additional fields data namely: 1. DerivativeContrSpecification 2. DerivativeContrSpecName 3. LotSize 4. LotSizeUnitOfMeasure - Modified XSLT template to include data for the above mentioned additional Fields for Trading and Clearing Broker Transactions 2.0.0 (14th February 2023) Enhanced integration artifacts related to Clearing Broker Transactions to include Position Account Number in the filters. Modified the following groovy scripts: - ExtractBTPQueryParameters - SetURLandQueryforClearingBroker - DataTransformationForClearingBroker 1.1.0 version of the package and 1.1.0 version of the enhanced integration artefacts in package "SAP Broker Reconciliation for Commodity Derivatives Integration with SAP Business Suite or SAP S/4HANA" Enhanced integration artefacts related to Clearing Broker Transactions to retrieve data for Long and Short Matching. Change details are as follows: - Modified XSLT template to include data for "LongShortMatching" entity - Modified groovy script templates for handling "LongShortMatching" entity