Change log of the integration package SAP Document Compliance:SAP Document Compliance:Electronic Invoicing option for China 1.0.0 First version delivered on 10 Mar, 2020 + Support issuing tax invoices, including red invoices and invoices with discounts + Support canceling tax invoices that you issue to customer + Support query tax invoices for detail information and latest status 1.0.1 Fix a bug based on CP CPI on May 22, 2020 + The artifact "Baiwang Query Tax Invoice" version 1.0.0 cannot work well on the CF CPI. It cannot fetch authorization token from Baiwang. We fix it by clear body content generated in previous step. 1.0.2 Increase the accuracy of price of item on September 30, 2020 + Previously, when the artifact "Baiwang Send Tax Invoice" version 1.0.0 was used to open an invoice, price of each item will be accurate to two decimal places. It might lead to deviation. In this fix, price of each item will be accurate to ten decimal places. It will help to reduce deviation in the following process of the invoice. 1.0.3 Increase content-type for consuming API on January 26, 2021 + Add content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded before getting token. + Validate attribute "disctaxamount", "discamount" and "quantity". + Add compatibility to Cloud platform based on CF 1.0.4 Fix configuration guide on March 22, 2021 + In last release, the content of configuration guide was corrupted by mistake. In this release, we upload a new version of right document. 1.0.5 Change package name from "SAP Document Compliance:Electronic Invoicing option for China" to "SAP Document Compliance:Electronic Invoicing option for China 3.0" on August 10, 2021 + Change package name + Support Baiwang API version 3.0 + Update configuration guide 1.0.6 Baiwang will deprecate Sandbox 3.0, so this iFlow package will be deprecated on March 15, 2022