Change Log for SAP S/4HANA Product Master Integration with Pricefx >Package Version 4.0.0 : Jul-2024 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Write Records to Product Price Product Extension in Pricefx Artifacts version 1.0.2 Write Records to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx >externalized all process direct paths Artifacts version 1.1.4 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master >add valuation element to the default query option >Package Version 3.1.0 : Jun-2024 Artifacts version 1.0.1 Aggregate Product Hierarchy reload events from Pricefx >update default incoming process to a correct path Delete records from UOM Product Extension in Pricefx >externalized pfx adapter retry parameter Write Records to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx >externalized pfx adapter retry parameter >update default headers to include product hierarchy node name Artifacts version 1.1.0 Get Full Product Hierarchy Structure from SAP S4HANA Cloud >include product hierarchy node name in product hierarchy integration from S/4HANA Cloud to Pricefx >externalized all odata parameters Get Latest Product Hierarchy from SAP S4HANA Cloud and write to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx >include product hierarchy node name in product hierarchy integration from S/4HANA Cloud to Pricefx >externalized all odata parameters Reload full Product Hierarchy from SAP S4HANA Cloud and write to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx >include product hierarchy node name in product hierarchy integration from S/4HANA Cloud to Pricefx >externalized all odata parameters Artifacts version 1.1.3 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master >externalized all odata parameters >Package Version 3.0.0 : Feb-2024 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Aggregate Product Hierarchy reload events from Pricefx Aggregate Product Polling events from Pricefx Get Full Product Hierarchy Structure from SAP S4HANA Cloud Get Latest Product Hierarchy from SAP S4HANA Cloud and write to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx Reload full Product Hierarchy from SAP S4HANA Cloud and write to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx Write Records to Product Hierarchy Product Extension in Pricefx >Package Version 2.1.0 : Oct-2023 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Delete records from UOM Product Extension in Pricefx Remove old UOMs and add new UOMs in Pricefx UOM Product Extension Artifacts version 1.1.2 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master >externalize odata adapter options to support both Internet host and On premise host >Package Version 2.0.0 : May-2023 Deprecated Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx Multicast product response to all product entities in Pricefx Write Records to Product Master in Pricefx Write Records to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Write Records to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Sales Data Product Extension Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to UOM Product Extension Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Rerun Errored Product events from SAP Event Mesh Rerun Errored Aggregated Product events from SAP Event Mesh Artifacts version 1.0.1 Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx >Externalized transaction handling Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx >Externalized transaction handling Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx >Externalized transaction handling Artifacts version 1.1.1 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master >Externalized transaction handling >Update library reference >Package Version 1.1.1 : March-2023 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Multicast product response to all product entities in Pricefx Artifacts version 1.1.1 Write Records to Product Master in Pricefx >add upsert functionality Write Records to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx >add upsert functionality Write Records to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx >add upsert functionality >Package Version 1.1.0 : January-2023 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Rerun Errored Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx Artifacts version 1.0.1 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Sales Data Product Extension >remove exception process Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to UOM Product Extension >remove exception process Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx >remove exception process Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx >remove exception process Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx >remove exception process Artifacts version 1.1.0 Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master >remove exception process >add a process direct flow block to multicast the response to other integration flows to update the records in all other product related tables in Pricefx. This provides a flexibility to not using separate integration flow to different entity. Write Records to Product Master in Pricefx >update integration adapter >remove exception process >combine with Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx Write Records to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx >update integration adapter >remove exception process >combine with Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Write Records to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx >update integration adapter >remove exception process >combine with "Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx" >Initial Release, Package Version 1.0.0 : October-2022 Artifacts version 1.0.0 (New) Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Master Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to Product Sales Data Product Extension Get Latest Updated Products from SAP S4HANA and write to UOM Product Extension Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Master in Pricefx Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Process Product response from SAP S4HANA and Write to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx Write Records to Product Master in Pricefx Write Records to Product Sales Data Product Extension in Pricefx Write Records to UOM Product Extension in Pricefx