Change Log: 12/07/24 V1.30.4 -Clean up “idoc” and “doc-out” headers when there is no contact person -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 08/05/24 V1.30.3 -Rename ProductPriceGroup to be ProductDiscountGroup to fix the attribute definition for Discount integration object item is Wrong -Replicate Prices and Discounts From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Add 'additionalInfo' field in SAPCpiOutboundOrder.edmx file -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Fix parameter usage when call maskPersonalData method in logIDoc and logPayload groovy script, remove credential value from externalized parameter -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Add 'additionalInfo' field in SAPCpiOutboundOrderCancellation.edmx file -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 08/04/24 V1.30.2 -Add 'additionalInfo' field in SAPCpiOutboundOrder.edmx file -Replicate Orders From SAP Commerce Cloud To SAP ERP -Make all data store operations through AccessDataStoreForERP -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Remove incorrect catch exception to avoid misleading result -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 11/03/24 V1.30.1 -Remove the groovy file importing the StringEscapeUtil -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 31/01/24 V1.30.0 -Send price breakdown for configurable products -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Convert the UID of the B2B customer to lowercase -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 09/01/24 V1.20.0 -Externalize receiver authentication and certificate related parameters; mask personal information with * in log -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 18/12/23 V1.19.4 -Mask partial user personal data with * in log - Replicate Cart and Checkout Order Notifications From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 11/12/23 V1.19.3 -Make sapCustomerID of shipping-to/billing-to address filled with actually associated customer ID -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Throw the correct exception when the b2bUnitAddress is not found in the store -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Mask partial user personal data with * in log -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 30/11/23 V1.19.2 -Make IDoc Adr3mas03 as optional for B2B customers replication from ERP to Commerce Cloud -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 13/11/23 V1.19.1 -Refine unit data mapping and unit code groovy script. -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 10/12/23 V1.19.0 -To keep consistent with the commerce address model, use sapPublicKey as the integration key instead of the original publicKey. -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Externalize receiver authentication related parameters -Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-B2C-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 25/09/23 V1.18.0 IFlow code change for ERP backend system -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud Externalize parameters for certificate -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 25/09/23 V1.17.0 -Externalize User Role configuration -Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-B2C-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Return-Order-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-to-ERP 06/09/23: V1.16.0: -Externalize processing timeout configuration -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -To improve the performance, change JDBC transaction of iflow and use batch request to post to Commerce instead of sending individual requests one by one. -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 23/08/23: V1.15.6: -Fixed one crticial issue raised by customer -Replicate Invoice From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 03/08/23: V1.15.5: -Fixed wrong IDoc status despite the message being in completed status in SAP Cloud Integration -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Made iFlow work for sales Unit without any address -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 06/02/23: V1.15.4: -Externalized CLSMAS splitters and all OData endpoints timeout parameters -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 23/11/22: V1.15.3: -Updated expired documentation link for configuring and deploying Integration Flows for Commerce Cloud integration with SAP ERP 01/08/22: V1.15.2: -Made single or bulk IDoc request configurable -Route Idocs From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 14/07/22: V1.15.1: -Made request headers configurable for persistence hooks -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Made locationId configurable for iFlows -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Return-Order-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-to-ERP 27/06/22: V1.15.0: -Externalized locationId parameters for outbound iFlows -Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-B2C-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Added content modifier for post exist to concatenate original payload with the output of standard mapping result -Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-B2C-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 16/05/22: V1.14.0: -Added new iFlow to access and process CLFMAS with classification type Datastore -Access CLFMAS Cache Datastore for ERP -Fixed missing CLFMAS iDocs concurrecny issue and releated Datasotre exception -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 29/03/22: V1.13.7: -Added pre/post exit extension points for Invoice Replication -Replicate Invoice From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 18/02/22: V1.13.6: -Removed redundant exernalized parameters -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Added externalized parameters in persistence hook -Replicate Cart and Checkout Order Notifications From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 24/01/22: V1.13.5: -Added missed value Mapping for catalog version and classification catalog version -ERP Product Sales Area To Catalog And Tax Country Code Mapping -Added configure and customized property for replicate order iFlow -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 14/12/21: V1.13.4: -Fixed wrong iDoc mapping in order cancellation -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 22/10/21: V1.13.3: -Fixed order entry confirmation mapping issue -Replicate Cart and Checkout Order Notifications From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Upgraded ERP order iFlow to latest base version -Replicate-Orders-With-ProductConfiguration-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP 07/09/21: V1.13.2: -Fixed order entry mapping and order cancellating mapping -Replicate Cart and Checkout Order Notifications From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 09/08/21: V1.13.1: -Fixed Branding change to Documentation Link 11/12/20: V1.13.0: -Added extensibility points for following outbound flows -Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-B2C-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-ERP -Replicate-Order-Cancellations-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Replicate-Orders-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP -Fixed language issue for B2BUnit name for Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Fixed material name length issue for Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 30/11/20: V1.12.1: -Added SAP-To-SAP Metadata tag to integration flows 24/03/20: V1.12.0: -Fixed issue with Null pointers for certain cases of configurable variant products -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 16/01/20: v1.11.0 -Added new Integration Flow to help reset Integration APIs -Create Baseline APIs for Integration 18/11/19: v1.10.0 -Security improvement to all Integration Flows regarding information stored in logs -Added customization pre and post exits to all Integration Flows 03/10/19: v1.9.0 -Fixed issues with Formatting of Date/Time in price replications -Replicate Prices and Discounts From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Added pre/post exit extension points for Material Replication -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Process Customized Material Pre Post Exits for ERP 23/08/19: v1.8.0 -Fixed issues with classification replication and added support for custom delimiters -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 25/07/19: v1.7.0 -Added support for Date/Time formats for Classification and Product Feature Replication -Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Created external parameters for CatalogId and Catalog Version fields instead of hard-coding -ERP Product Sales Area To Catalog And Tax Country Code Mapping -Fixed issues with wrong fields being replicated for B2B Customer from ERP -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Remapped some flows to support new OOTB api definitions -Replicate B2B Customer From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Replicate Prices and Discounts From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud 15/04/19: v1.6.0 -Added support for multiple tax countries for material replication -Added support batch requests from ERP 25/03/19: v1.5.0 -Added support for Configurable Product Order replication to ERP -Minor fix for handling multiple CLFMAS assigned to same material 19/03/19: v1.4.0 -Consolidated Access Classification Datastore Integration flow into a generic flow to handle all calls to access any datastore for the package 21/02/19: v1.3.1 -Fixed Issue with B2B Customers without region in address replication 19/12/18: V1.3.0 -Added Order Return and Invoice support to package 17/12/18: V1.2.1 -Bugfix release to update some ProcessDirect values 28/11/18: V1.2.0 -Added support for Classification Replication from ERP to SAP Commerce via 2 new IFlows --Access Classification DataStore for ERP --Replicate Classification From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud -Modified Replicate Material From ERP To SAP Commerce Cloud to support ProductFeatures for Classification functionality -Added "Replicate-B2B-Customer-From-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-To-SAP-ERP" for outbound B2B Customer replication -Added support for Cart and Checkout Order and Delivery Notification replications to SAP Commerce -Added configuration to determine what type of order notifications are being sent in the package to route to proper IFlow 23/08/18: V1.1.0 -Increased parameterization and standardized configuration -Implemented identifiers for message tracing 08/08/18: v1.0.0 -Initial Release