10/07/2024 v2.0.3 + Externalized "Timeout" parameter at all iFlows. 15/01/2024 v2.0.2 + Externalized user Role parameter at sender Adapter for all Iflows under this package. 03/07/2023 v2.0.1 -Added logic to sync the status of consent template between CDC and Commerce cloud. Replicate-Consent-Template-From-SAP-Customer-Data-Cloud-to-SAP-Commerce-Cloud 13/06/2023 v2.0.0 Pre-Requisite: Before using this iFlow, you must migrate your Consent Management site as per CDC Consent Management document. https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_CUSTOMER_DATA_CLOUD/8b8d6fffe113457094a17701f63e3d6a/74bdbb0b791e4d41a459830fb92f9a12.html - Existing CDC API accounts.getSchema has been replaced with accounts.getConsentSiteDetails and implemented the logic accordingly. Replicate-Consent-Template-From-SAP-Customer-Data-Cloud-to-SAP-Commerce-Cloud - Replaced fix values concept with value mapping for language field to avoid unnecessary mapping changes. Value Mapping for Language Maintenance 08/04/2021 v1.1.1 - Rebranding changes to the configuration document name. 13/09/2019 v1.1.0 -Added pre-exit extensibility to Replicate Consent Template From SAP Customer Data Cloud to SAP CommerceCloud integration flows. 08/07/2019 v1.0.2 -Proxy Type Provided as Internet By Default. 01/07/2019 v1.0.1 -Previously CommerceURL would not consist of the http field as a part of the externalized parameter. -Now CommerceURL would consist of the entire URL as the externalized parameter .(including the http or https field) 7/05/2019 v1.0.0 -Initial Release