1.0.0 Content package created and published 1.0.1 Updates to product names 1.0.2 Business Rules and Visibility Scenario changes  Reference to the Invoice added to Visibility Scenario with the label “Reference”  Custom Attributes reflecting requestor details added to Rework Task in the InvoiceHeaderProcess workflow (within NonPOVendorInvoiceHeaderProcess workflow module)  You can now use GL Account to determine approvers for Approval Task (Refer Adoption Note) Adoption Notes for Determine Approver business rule changes: “Determine Approvers” is a business rule used to assign the recipients to the Approval Task step in the Process Variant. With the 1.0.2 update, the business rule now involves GLAccount into the decision. The rule is used in the Determine Approver by Business Rules service task in Approval.procstep in the “NonPOVendorInvoiceItemApproval” process template. 2.0.0 [Major Update] Workflow Management Content has been upgraded to version 2.0 capabilities.  Process Template is now version 2.0 compatible 2.0.1 Workflow Management content fixes.  Payload for External Service to determine approvers fixed.  Setup guide updated 2.0.2 Workflow Management content fixes  Configuration guide updated with Baseline Date behaviour details  Data mapping fixes for rules and external service invocation to determine approver  Data mapping fixes for baseline date for posting invoice  [Critical] The changes are dependent on the latest release of the accompanying Integration Content Package version 1.0.3 2104 1.0.4 – Added Source Archives 3.0.0 Published for SAP Build Process Automation