Change log of the integration package 'SuccessFactorsEmployeeCentralwithThirdPartyTimeVendorWorkForceSoftwareWFS' : 1.3.1 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 12/06/2023 + MandatePayrollID parameter introduced to allow customers to choose the validation of payroll_id field. + MandateJobTitle parameter introduced to allow customers to choose the validation of job_title field. Kindly see KBA-03342829 for more details. + MandateTimezone parameter introduced to allow customers to choose the validation of timezone field. + SendLatestEmployment parameter introduced which sends only latest employment to WFS in case of Rehire with new employment and avoids sending employees with GA if the value is set to true. 1.3.0 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 23/02/2023 + Increase XPath operator limit to 1000. + Fix termination_date mapping. + Support for ignoring validations before Go-live date. + Avoid processing of Contingent Worker related data. 1.2.17 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 18/04/2022 + Remove dependency on is_primary field under job information by marking it as false by default. + Update SF odata adapters. 1.2.16 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 19/01/2022 + Support certificate based authentication for connection to SuccessFactors and custom mapping extension. 1.1.9 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 19/01/2022 + Support certificate based authentication for connection to SFTP and ECP. 1.2.15 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 13/12/2021 + Fix issue with pagination. 1.2.14 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 18/11/2021 + SuccessFactors adapters upgraded. 1.1.8 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 18/11/2021 + Archive Directory parameter in SFTP Adapter externalized. 1.1.7 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 03/06/2021 + SFTP Adapter ugraded to latest version (1.9) 1.1.6 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 17/03/2021 + Support for mapping of TO_DATE field in absence recording based on external parameter "Map_FromDate_ToDate". 1.2.13 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 11/05/2020 + Timeout parameter externalized for Execution Manager calls. + Sender and Receiver values updated in metadata. 1.1.5 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 11/05/2020 + Sender and Receiver values updated in metadata. 1.1.4 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 10/21/2020 + 'Location ID' parameter externalized in Mail Server adapter. 1.1.3 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 09/07/2020 + 'Change Directories Stepwise' parameter externalized in SFTP adapter. + 'Include Sub-Directories' parameter externalized in SFTP adapter. 1.2.12 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS - 26/06/2020 + Changed the Log type from INFO to SUMMARY_SO_FAR 1.1.2 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 01/06/2020 + SOAP Adapter ugraded to latest version (1.9) 1.2.11 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -22/10/2019 + 'hiringNotCompleted' filter added to the Compound employee query. + Issue with currency_code mapping to ns1:pay_currency fixed. 1.1.1 - Packaged Integration - WFS to SF EC Payroll - 22/08/2019 + Mail adapter upgaded to latest version (1.6) 1.2.10 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -22/07/2019 + Fix for top of the stack issue - INT-7792 1.2.9 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -15/04/2019 + Improve XM logging for employees with bad data. + ModuleName changed from ECT to MODULE_ECT in the request payload of execution manager calls. + Timeout parameter externalized for WFS Sytem calls. 1.2.8 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -08/02/2019 + Soap fault defect in custom mapping with large number of data is resolved. 1.2.7 - Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -08/1/2019 + Defect resolved - Compound Employee node was missing in Custom mapping in version 1.2.6. 1.2.6 -Packaged Integration - SF EC to WFS -24/12/2018 + XM logging is modified.Now process state will not always show UNKNOWN, it will show Completed_Successfully,Completed_With_Errors,FAILED depending on the scenarios. + Pagination has been implemented, now from EC employee will be queried one page at a time, and we can define the number of records per page in parameter Page Size. Page Size is defined in receiver EC_Workforce-SFAPI_Web_Service2 + Transaction Handling is changed to "Not Required" + All the Write variables which are used for logging have been removed. 1.2.5 - 16/08/2018 + parallel multicast is changed to sequential, it was creating random results in sub process (ProcessCallToHandleValidRecords) 1.1.0 - Workforce to EC Payroll - 14/08/2018 + Credential Name parameter has been externalized under the Mail server configuration. 1.2.4 - 12/07/2018 + In 1.2.3 version the timer was not externalized so schedular option was missing. Now it is externalised again and timer is showing when we do configure. 1.2.3 + A new parameter CONFIGURE_TIMEOUT was externalized in the SOAP Receiver call in case of the custom mapping + Two bug fixes were given for pay_currency (field went missing in some of the records sent to workforce) and Go-live_Date (The CE Responses been deleted in case of missing mandatory fields for the old records with respect to Go-live_Date. This is opposite to Go-live_Date functionality and was fixed).